Health Services Coordinator
Health Services
Angleton ISD is committed to the well-being of our students and staff across all ten campuses. Our Health Services Department is staffed by a dedicated team of registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and nurse assistants who work tirelessly to ensure a safe and healthy school environment.
Through our comprehensive Wellness Program, we encourage students and employees to adopt and maintain healthier lifestyles. Our diverse wellness initiatives are designed to meet a wide range of personal health needs, reduce absenteeism, and foster a positive school culture that celebrates and promotes overall well-being.
Coordinated School Wellness Includes:
Health Education
Healthy and Safe School Environment
Counseling and Mental Health Services
Parent and Community Involvement
Staff Wellness Promotion
Health Services
Physical Education
Nutrition Services
Our School Health Advisory Council collaborates closely with the AISD School Board to provide research-based recommendations, ensuring that our wellness efforts are effective and impactful.
For more information about our Wellness Program, please contact Dena Bryson, RN, Health Services Coordinator, at 979-864-8054.
Department of Academic Services
1900 N Downing Rd, Angleton TX, 77515 | 979-864-8054